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World Refugee Day Community Festival

Pagulaspäev 2024

The Estonian Refugee Council will celebrate World Refugee Day on June 20th from 12 to 4pm at Telliskivi Creative City as a community festival, supporting all refugees who have had to leave their homes. 

At the festival, people with migration and refugee backgrounds living in Estonia from Turkey, Syria, Ukraine, and Sri Lanka will sell foods typical of their cultures. There will be fun activities for children and young people, performances by both foreign and local musicians, and DJ Alex Vorozhun will be playing music. In workshops introducing different cultures, you can learn to make Turkish bulgur salad and Sri Lankan chai tea, and craft Ukrainian guardian angels.

The Estonian Refugee Council's portrait exhibition on migration issues "Voices from Crises: Stories of Displaced People" is open, and at the festival's information desk, anyone interested can ask questions about migration and refugees, with an Estonian Refugee Council advisor available on-site.

The event is free of charge. Visitors of all ages and backgrounds are welcome. Let's meet and spend time together, form new friendships, and participate in the activities and culture of various communities!

P.S. If you wish to buy food or crafts at the festival, please bring cash with you.

The day is organized in collaboration with Telliskivi Creative City, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, Mondo, and Izumi Youth Club.

The first World Refugee Day was celebrated on June 20, 2001, to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. Since then, the United Nations has organized World Refugee Day annually on June 20 to support refugees around the world.

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