The support person service is intended for all people living in Estonia who have received international (including temporary) protection and their family members, for whom the local government of the place of residence has determined the need for additional support through an assessment. The service is provided in Estonian, English and Russian, as well as in other languages understood by the recipients of international protection.
Since 2013 we have offered support person services to people who have received international protection. The main methods of our support person service are advice, explanation and information. The support person can also accompany people who have received protection to meetings with various authorities and help them find work and opportunities for self-expression. Our support persons are like guides, "interpreters" of local life, but we do not make decisions for our supported people, but help them make informed choices themselves. Our activities are need-based and goal-oriented.
You can read about the service HERE.
The service is financed by the European Union's Asylum - Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Social Insurance Board's project "Organization of the support person service of persons receiving international protection at the local goverment level" funded by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Estonia.