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Adaptation trainings

Adaptation trainings

High-quality information and the support of good people helps to make better choices and speeds up adaptation. The Estonian Refugee Council offers war refugees the opportunity to participate in free group counselling all over Estonia. Registrations are open in the Fienta environment.

group watching their tablets or phones

Digital technologies

In the digital technologies training, we provide an overview of Estonian digital services and the e-government. We get to know the various services and possibilities of Estonia as an e-state (; e-health insurance system; e-Tax and Customs Board; e-banking, e-school; e-Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund; etc.), we find solutions to various questions related to e-services and possibilities in Estonia and we also put the new skills into practice - we practice using the given systems (each participant has a computer). The prerequisite for participation is the presence of an ID-card, mobile-ID or Smart-ID.

The training is organized by the NGO Estonian Refugee Council.

Estonian labour market

In the work-related training, we give an overview of the Estonian labour market’s current situation and the labour law. We will give an overview of the current trends in the Estonian labour market, which institutions support the employee when entering the labour market and which support the employee in case of legal questions. We will answer participants' questions and discuss various career opportunities in the Estonian labour market together.

The training is organized by the NGO Estonian Refugee Council and the Estonian Labor Inspectorate.

Education system in Estonia

In education-related training, we get to know the Estonian education system, from early childhood education (child care and kindergartens), to primary, secondary, and higher education. We deal with topics related to youth work and interest education, various vocational education opportunities, and adult education. We will give an overview what are the options for further education after elementary school or high school, what are the options to prove your level of education in Estonia (Estonian ENIC/NARIC Center), etc. We answer participants' questions and help to find solutions to support participants to take part in the possibilities of the Estonian education system.

The training is organized by the NGO Estonian Refugee Council.

How to become an entrepreneur in Estonia?

The training is organized by the NGO Estonian Refugee Council.

In the training on entrepreneurship, we focus on the topics related to starting your own company - what are the possible forms of entrepreneurship, what is the corresponding legislation, and what is the Estonian tax system, we will give an overview of what support options can be used when starting a business, we get to know the registration of employees in the e-Tax and Customs Board, the pros and cons of a business account, etc., we share experiences by opening businesses in various fields (catering, beauty services). The participants of the training have a great opportunity to share their experiences and get new ideas and answers to their questions.

Legal issues in Ukraine and Estonia

In the legal issues training, we get to know the Estonian legal system from the perspective of a private person and - on what legal grounds it is possible to stay in Estonia, how to prepare various documents, how to sell real estate in Ukraine, how to buy real estate in Estonia, how to navigate in our healthcare system, how to act in case of divorce or marriage, how to pay taxes correctly and much more other. Legal procedures in Ukraine and Estonia are different, our training helps participants better to orient themselves in the necessary procedures and get answers to their questions.

The training is organized by the NGO Estonian Refugee Council.


Find a place, time and subject that suits you, and sign up HERE! We are constantly adding new sessions to the environment in different locations across Estonia. 
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